Tuesday, 13 July 2010

More on Bodhisattva Bhumis

Hikata(1958) provides a useful comparative study between the various Chinese recessions of the Asta and the larger PP texts in which he substantiates the view that the larger texts revised in the light of developing doctrinal interpretations. He concludes that during the period of the emergence of this text there were simply four stages:

  1. 新發意菩薩  Newly Resolved
  2. 隨次第上菩薩 Gradually progressing  (Kumarajiva describes this as 行六波羅蜜, ṣaṭ-pāramitācāra)
  3. 阿惟越致 avivarti(ka)  (Never Falling Back)
  4. 阿惟顏 abhiṣeka (consecration to Buddhahood)

Karashima (2010) provides more reliable sanskrit equivalents but does not discuss doctrinal issues.

  1. 阿闍浮 ādhibhū(mika)
    新發意菩薩  prtahama-yāna-samprasthita  'those who have newly awakened the mind' (p.544
    隨次第菩薩 caryā-pratipanna 'progress step by step' (p.471)
  2. 阿惟越致 avivarti(ka) 'irreversible' (pp.13-16)
  3. 阿惟顏 abhiṣeka (p.13)
MAHAVASTU bodhisattva bhūmis

1) durārohā     'Difficult to enter'
2) baddhamāna    'Fastening'
3) puṣpamaṇḍitā    'Adorned with Flowers'
4) rucirā    'Beautiful'
5) cittvistarā    'Expansion of the Heart'
6) rūpavatī    'Lovely'
7) durjayā    'Difficult to Conquer'
8) janmanideśa    'Ascertainment of Birth'
9) yauvarājya    'Installation as Crown Prince'
10) abhiṣeka      'Coronation'

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